Obion County Board of Education
November 1, 2010

Agenda Item: VI.

Preliminary Matters/Consent Agenda

Preliminary Matters:

We will hold the November 1, 2010 Board meeting at Lake Road Elementary School at 7:00 p.m. Prior to the meeting, the school will provide a meal beginning at 6:00 p.m.

Items of Note:

Please let Linda Carney know if you will be attending TSBA’s Annual Conference in November. November 24, 2010 through November 28, 2010 schools will be closed for the Thanksgiving holidays. Classes will resume on Monday, November 29, 2010.

Consent Agenda (Item VI.):

The consent agenda consists of the monthly personnel report, the report of substitute teachers, and the monthly financial reports/business activity. In addition, the OCCHS Cheerleader Pom Booster Club has been duly formed and this organization requests recognition as a school support organization of Obion County Central High School.

Staff Recommendation:

I recommend approval of all items listed on the consent agenda.